Sunday, November 17, 2013

March 25, 1198B.C.    A Hebrew girl in Egypt

For a while now us Hebrews have settled into Egypt. We had very little choice in coming here, since if we had stayed the drought or possible famine would have killed us all. Here I have been praying to our one and only god Yahweh. According to the Torah god chose Abraham to be the father of my people. Abraham then promised to protect us forming a covenant. But lately Yahweh hasn't been protecting us well. Since the Egyptians are now forcing us into slavery. I don't understand this because when we first came here we were given places of honor in the Egyptian kingdom, yet now this. Making young girls like me do dreadful things to who ever wishes something done. My hands have been cut and my legs are sore every day. Now the best part of my day is washing off under cold water to rid my mind of the days work and praying to Yahweh. But now apparently a man is coming named Moses who will lead us out of slavery. So all we can do now is just hold on for a little while more until it happens. 

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